- LocationSFHB 131
- DescriptionCome learn more about CKI, enjoy a service project or social event!
Hosted by: Circle K International
Additional Information can be found at: https://redbirdlife.illinoisstate.edu/event/10927712 - Websitehttps://redbirdlife.illinoisstate.edu/event/10927712
- CategoriesCommunityService, Leadership, Volunteering, Meeting, Social
More from Redbird Life Events
- Mar 2811:00 AMSpring into Service: Red Cross Blood DriveThe Center for Civic Engagement is partnering with the American Red Cross to host a blood donation drive! Appointments are available from 11am to 4pm and will be held in the Rosa Parks room in Watterson Towers. RSVP on Redbird Life and sign up for an appointment slot here: https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/drive-results?zipSponsor=REDBIRDHosted by: Center for Civic EngagementAdditional Information can be found at: https://redbirdlife.illinoisstate.edu/event/11149082
- Mar 287:30 PMBorrowed BabiesAs Judy London nears the end of her career as a Professor of Home Economics, an encounter with one of her former “practice babies” leads her to question her life’s journey and the sacrifices she’s made along the way. Loosely based on the practice and former operation of university “practice houses” for home economics students, BORROWED BABIES explores the ever-evolving role of women and mothers in American society over the last sixty years. Get your tickets here: https://illinoisstatefinearts.evenue.net/events/ARTSSOTD3Hosted by: School of Theatre and Dance, Wonsook Kim College of Fine ArtsAdditional Information can be found at: https://redbirdlife.illinoisstate.edu/event/10891866
- Mar 287:30 PMSophomore Trombone RecitalThe following students are performing a recital Alyssa Greer, Connor Franke, Elton Gund, Graham Miller, and Riley Hobart.Hosted by: School of Music, Wonsook Kim College of Fine ArtsAdditional Information can be found at: https://redbirdlife.illinoisstate.edu/event/11018928
- Mar 2910:00 AMSpring Into Service: Fell Arboretum - Tree TaggingJoin us for Spring Into Service! We’ll be assisting with tree tagging, an important effort to identify and preserve plant species. We will begin with a pre-reflection at the Center for Civic Engagement at 10:00 AM, then head to the service project together. We will wrap up our service with a reflection at 12pm. Tree tagging will take place around campus, so no transportation is needed. Please wear closed-toe shoes and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty, as we’ll be outdoors. See you then! Hosted by: Center for Civic EngagementAdditional Information can be found at: https://redbirdlife.illinoisstate.edu/event/11100417
- Mar 29–30Conference Series vs MarquettegameHosted by: Baseball Club at Illinois State UniversityAdditional Information can be found at: https://redbirdlife.illinoisstate.edu/event/10426126
- Mar 295:00 PMSenior Recital: Elli Ji, oboeStudent recitalHosted by: School of Music, Wonsook Kim College of Fine ArtsAdditional Information can be found at: https://redbirdlife.illinoisstate.edu/event/10860082