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Illinois State University closed Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Due to forecasted wind chills, Illinois State University and the University Laboratory Schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 16, 2024, reopening on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. All classes (in-person, hybrid, and online) are canceled Tuesday, January 16, 2024, and will not be delivered remotely. Residence halls and residential dining centers will remain open. All other campus buildings will be closed.

Due to forecasted wind chills Tuesday, Illinois State University and the University Laboratory Schools will be closed, reopening Wednesday. All classes (in-person, hybrid, and online) are canceled Tuesday and will not be delivered remotely. Residence halls and residential dining centers will remain open. All other campus buildings will be closed.

Weather essential personnel should report to work, but no other employee, regardless of current work location (on-campus or remote), should report to work. Hourly employees whose regular shift begins at 11 p.m. on Tuesday night should report to work at 1 a.m. on Wednesday morning.   

Help Protect Yourself

  • When outside, wear multiple layers, including a hat and gloves
  • Limit time outside, as -25 wind chills can lead to frost bite on exposed skin in about 30 minutes
  • When traveling, ensure you have more than enough fuel in your tank to reach your destination, your cell phone is fully charged, and you have water and food should your vehicle become stuck
  • If you lack basic necessities for cold weather, email the Dean of Students Office at for information on resources available on campus and in the local community

Help Protect Where You Live and Your Vehicle

  • Ensure all windows are fully closed in your residence; leaving windows even slightly open can freeze inside pipes
  • Ensure building outside doors are fully closed
  • If you are planning to be away from home for a period of time, ensure the heat remains on and consider leaving a slow drip on faucets to help prevent freezing inside pipes
  • Do NOT plug space heaters into power strips or extension cords, or leave unattended, as they can overheat and catch fire. Plug space heaters directly into the wall outlet and unplug them before leaving
  • If your vehicle will not start while it’s on campus, you may contact the Office of Parking and Transportation at 309-438-8391 who offers jumpstart services

Help Protect Our Shared Facilities

  • Ensure all windows are fully closed; leaving windows even slightly open can freeze inside pipes
  • Ensure outside doors and interior breezeway/vestibule doors are fully closed
  • If you see water flowing from the ground or inside buildings, there may be a broken pipe. Please call Facilities Services immediately at 309-438-5656. They are here 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

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