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Board of Trustees action items, January 25, 2024

The Board of Trustees of Illinois State University approved a number of resolutions at a special meeting on January 25, 2024.

The Board of Trustees of Illinois State University approved a number of resolutions at a special meeting on January 25, 2024. Full text of those resolutions can be found on the Board of Trustees website.    

Watterson Towers Fire Separation Remediation
The Board of Trustees authorized a capital project to design remedial measures and undertake construction to restore code required fire protection in Watterson Towers at a cost not to exceed $17.5 million. The funding for the project will be provided by AFS System Housing Resources and includes a phased construction schedule approach to cause the least disruption to students and University Housing Services operations. The plan involves starting non-occupant affecting work in the spring 2024 and major occupant affecting work during the summer of 2024 and 2025.

Expanded Williams Hall Former Stack Space Renovations
Trustees approved expenditures not to exceed an additional $1.75 million for all pre-construction services necessary to lead to the rehabilitation and renovations of the former stack space at Williams Hall. University administration will establish a budget, and appoint architects, engineers and other necessary project consultants for needed services. Funding for the project is through general revenue resources.

Governing Document Amendment—Pricing Guidelines
Trustees voted to amend the Board of Trustees Governing Document to reflect a new guideline for price setting. The second bullet in the price setting section now includes an option for Trustees to approve differential tuition.

Student Tuition Rates and Differential Tuition Rates for Targeted Academic Programs set for 2024-2025
Trustees approved the FY2025 general student tuition rates and differential tuition rates for targeted academic programs. The cost of classroom and laboratory instruction by major and program was reviewed by the University, analyzing the supporting enrollment strength of each. Certain majors and programs will be priced at a per credit hour rate higher than the base tuition charged to the general student body, while the rate of base tuition for other majors and programs will not increase in FY2025.

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