Board of Trustees action items, February 21, 2025
The Board of Trustees of Illinois State University approved several resolutions at its regular meeting on February 21, 2025. Full text of the resolutions can be found on the Board of Trustees website.
Consent Agenda: All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and enacted in one motion. Details regarding Consent Agenda items may be found on the website.
Approval of Tuition, Fees, Room, and Board Rates for Academic Year 2025-2026
With the approval of the Board of Trustees, tuition and mandatory fees will remain unchanged, while room and board costs will increase 5 percent over academic year 2024-2025. Services will continue to be funded to meet operational costs, provide funds for debt service, and fulfill repair and replacement reserve requirements. Housing continues to be impacted operationally due to expense increases including, but not limited to, utilities, facility maintenance and repairs, property insurance, university overhead and scholarships. In addition, personnel costs have increased due to minimum wage.
The overall cost to new undergraduate students in programs with a differential tuition, will be $29,942, an increase of $578, or 2.0 percent when compared to FY2025. For all other new undergraduate students, the total cost will be $28,132, an increase of $578, or 2.1 percent when compared to FY2025.
Authorization for Additional Capital for the Bone Student Center Parking Lot
The Bone Student Center Visitor Parking lot is in a state of accelerating deterioration. In 2017, Illinois State hired architects for design and engineering services with primary scope to repair and improve the lot and also improve the approach and arrival experience to the newly remodeled Bone Student Center and university campus.
At the February 21, 2020, Board of Trustees meeting, a repair and improvement project was approved for $4.1 million. When the Coronavirus Pandemic begin in March 2020, a permanent hold was placed on this project due to financial uncertainty. Since that time, the parking lot has continued to deteriorate, and drainage issues have developed and are increasing. In 2023, Facilities Planning solicited proposals to complete the design and construction bid documents for this project. With this resolution, Board of Trustees approved additional project capital authority to spend up to an additional $1 million to repair the Bone Student Center North Parking Lot, construct a new pedestrian entry walkway, and install a new visitor parking ticketing system in the Bone Student Center Visitor Parking Lot. Construction will begin this spring, and completion is expected in fall 2025.
The source of funding for this project includes AFS revenues and reserves.
Authorization for School Street Garage Stair Replacement
The School Street Parking Garage, located at 400 S. School Street opened in 1991. It provides 371 parking spaces used by faculty, staff, and students. While the garage has undergone maintenance on a regular basis, due to its age, the University engaged Farnsworth Group to do an evaluation of the stair towers to identify any work necessary to maintain pedestrian egress. Once the evaluation was developed, the University engaged CORE Construction to work with their subcontractors to develop a design and provide a proposal to address the issues found in the Farnsworth evaluation.
The project, to be completed in summer 2025, includes removal of metal and concrete stairs and replacement with precast stairs; repair of precast and steel connections; removal and replacement of lighting and electrical systems; and replacement of doors and frames, including all new paint. The University received Board authorization for expenditures not to exceed $1.3 million for this project, which is funded by Parking Reserves.
Authorization for DeGarmo Hall Roof Drain Replacement
DeGarmo Hall, located on the west side of the Illinois State University quad, was built in 1972. It has a basement level and five upper floors. The roof drain system and infrastructure is past its useful life span and has developed leaks. Access to the roof drain piping requires ceilings to be removed in areas of the 4th and 5th floors. These ceilings and affected light fixtures will need to be replaced at completion of the project.
The University received Board approval for a capital project to complete the DeGarmo Hall Roof Drain Replacement project for a cost not to exceed $1.1 million. The source of funding for this project is General Revenue Funds.
Authorization to Name Barnett Family Field
Illinois State University Athletics made a request to name the field inside the OSF HealthCare Athletics Training Facility to recognize the generous financial commitment by Danny Barnett for the Redbird Athletics program.
Barnett is an alum, former Redbird football player, and great friend to Illinois State University’s football program. He enjoys coming back to campus to attend games and support the current team. He has been a vital proponent of the OSF HealthCare Athletics Training Center, recognizing the opportunities the facility provides for student athletes. He encourages others to give with his example of generosity and wants to invest in the lives of student athletes to ensure they make a difference on the field, in the classroom, and in the community. Danny Barnett’s financial commitment to ISU Athletics will continue to elevate and enhance the student athlete experiences.
Authorization to Name Lynch Family Court
Illinois State University Athletics made a request to name the court in the north gym of Horton Field House to recognize the generous financial commitment by Glen and Janet Lynch for the Redbird Athletics program.
As long-term season ticket holders for men’s basketball, they are strong supporters of Illinois State Athletics and generously created the Lynch Family Fund three years ago. The fund allowed Athletics to purchase new hot/cold tubs within CEFCU Arena to help in the treatment and recovery of student athletes. Glen and Janet wish to make a lasting impact on Illinois State University and provide enhanced experiences for student athletes. The court will be used as a practice space for the volleyball, men’s basketball, and women’s basketball, as well as for KNR classes throughout the academic year. Glen and Janet Lynch’s financial commitment to ISU Athletics will continue to elevate and enhance student athlete experiences.
Recognition of Trustee Julie Annette Jones
Julie Annette Jones was appointed by former Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner to the Board of Trustees of Illinois State University and participated in her first meeting on February 17, 2017. She served the Board of Trustees with a high standard of professional integrity to the lasting benefit of Illinois State University.
The Board of Trustees expresses its sincere appreciation to Julie Annette Jones for her tireless efforts as a trustee on behalf of Illinois State University and conferred on her the honor and title of Trustee Emerita for her outstanding service and dedication to Illinois State University.
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