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Early voting in McLean County begins on Thursday

Early voting in McLean County begins on Thursday, Feb. 20, in preparation for the April 1 municipal election. Online registration is closed, but voters can still register at the polling sites. Early voters must bring two forms of identification, one of which must include a home address. Additional information on voting dates, times and polling site locations in the Bloomington-Normal area is available online.

Early voting in McLean County begins on Thursday, Feb. 20, in preparation for the April 1 municipal election. 

Online registration is closed, but voters can still register at the polling sites. Early voters must bring two forms of identification, one of which must include a home address. 

Additional information on voting dates, times and polling site locations in the Bloomington-Normal area is available online.

Cole Loiacano is a news and features reporter for The Vidette. Loiacano can be contacted at

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