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The Share Shop returns to DeGarmo Hall with career-ready clothing selections

The Office of Sustainability offered a “share pop-up shop” from Feb. 24-28 at DeGarmo Hall. This event provided free, career-ready outfits for Illinois State University students. Director of the Teacher Education Center, Monica Noraian, spoke about the excitement of finding clothes. “It's been exciting to hear as they [the students] find something they're just so excited about and that gives them a renewed confidence,” Noraian said. “We've had 200 to 300 students come by,” said Noraian's director, Kelly Brown. Brown also spoke about why it is important to offer this oppourtunity to future Redbird educators. “Having career-ready clothes [is important because] students at college age don't often have a lot of them or a lot of disposable income to spend on it,” Brown said. The Share Shop pop-up shop is offered twice a year to give students multiple opportunities to increase the size of their professional closet. “We have been doing it twice a year in front of the career fair,” Noraian said. “We have boxes and request donations for the month of the share shop, then the rest of the clothing comes from the Office of Sustainability.” “We're also here during the year to help students if they need assistance at all,” Noraian continued.

The Office of Sustainability offered a “share pop-up shop” from Feb. 24-28 at DeGarmo Hall. This event provided free, career-ready outfits for Illinois State University students.

Director of the Teacher Education Center, Monica Noraian, spoke about the excitement of finding clothes.

“It's been exciting to hear as they [the students] find something they're just so excited about and that gives them a renewed confidence,” Noraian said. 

“We've had 200 to 300 students come by,” said Noraian's director, Kelly Brown. 

Brown also spoke about why it is important to offer this oppourtunity to future Redbird educators.

“Having career-ready clothes [is important because] students at college age don't often have a lot of them or a lot of disposable income to spend on it,” Brown said.

The Share Shop pop-up shop is offered twice a year to give students multiple opportunities to increase the size of their professional closet.

“We have been doing it twice a year in front of the career fair,” Noraian said. “We have boxes and request donations for the month of the share shop, then the rest of the clothing comes from the Office of Sustainability.”

“We're also here during the year to help students if they need assistance at all,” Noraian continued.

Cole Loiacano is a News and Features reporter for The Vidette. Loiacano can be contacted at

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