Illinois State University will hold two hearings for alleged wrongful conviction cases at 10 a.m. and 11 a.m. on Tuesday, March 25 in the Prairie Room of the Bone Student Center.
The Fourth Judicial District Illinois Appellate Court will host the hearings alongside the ISU Department of Politics and Government and the McLean County Bar Association.
The first case is People v. Barton McNeil at 10 a.m. McNeil was convicted in 1999 for the murder of his three-year-old daughter. McNeil has always maintained his innocence. New evidence introduced over the last decade shows that his ex-girlfriend may have been responsible. McNeil’s ex-girlfriend, Misook Nowlin-Wang, was also convicted of murdering her mother-in-law in 2012 and allegedly confessed to the murder of McNeil’s daughter, which she now denies.
The second case is People v. James Snow at 11 a.m.Snow was convicted in 2001 of the murder of a gas station employee in 1991. Snow claims innocence based on an alibi and alleged holes in the investigation which resulted in his prosecution.
The Prairie Room will open at 9 a.m. for the first hearing and will reopen at 10:45 a.m. for the second hearing. Only 100 seats are available.
All will be required to pass through metal detectors. Electronics must be turned off. Backpacks and purses will not be allowed.