TV-10 News At Noon: Thursday February, 27th
Today on TV-10 news at noon from the campus of Illinois State University. Austin Feaman and Jillian Claussen are anchoring from the desk. Kacie Twyford with your sports and Aleks Duba with your weather. Tune in and enjoy the show!
Today on TV-10 news at noon from the campus of Illinois State University. Austin Feaman and Jillian Claussen are anchoring from the desk. Kacie Twyford with your sports and Aleks Duba with your weather. Tune in and enjoy the show!
Latest TV-10
- Dog TherapyIllinois State University had some furry friends come visit students during midterms. TV-10’s Kelli Saldivar has more.
- Bison EducationYesterday the Bloomington Bison hosted their education day game for students across central Illinois.TV-10s Max Garcia has the story.
- Birds Give Back FoldLast Thursday was the annual birds give back program. A number of ISU organizations met their donation goals. Eleni lockett has the story.
- Gambling Awareness MonthMarch is “Problem Gambling Awareness Month” a time to highlight the growing concerns around gambling addiction. TV-10’s Miriam Nesemeier is in the studio to tell us more on how gambling expansion is impacting Illinois.
- TV-10 News at Noon Thursday, March 6thAnchor: Austin Feaman, Ella Pepper Producer: Jillian Claussen Weather: Aleks Duba Sports Kacie Twyford
- TV-10 News at Noon Wednesday March 5thProducer Justin Cooper. Anchor Miriam Nesemeier and Maggee Bleyer. Sports Anchor Nicholas Thompson. Weather Anchor Logan Moeller.