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Making concrete green with Dr. Pranshoo Solanki | Illinois Summer Research Academy

A group of high school students solidified their interest in college-level research while making green concrete, among other projects, during the 15th annual Illinois Summer Research Academy (ISRA). Hosted by the Center for Mathematics, Science, and Technology (CeMaST) July 22-26, the ISRA connected 38 high school freshmen, sophomores, and juniors from 21 high schools with seven Illinois State University research labs.In the construction materials technology lab, three high school students worked with Dr. Pranshoo Solanki, a professor in the Department of Technology, to research and build green concrete made of recycled waste materials and industrial by-products instead of cement, which accounts for 8% of the planet’s carbon dioxide. Students designed, manufactured, and tested their own green concrete, which can consist of fly ash, plastic fibers, glass, shredded tires, recycled aggregates, and blast furnace slag.👉